We are passionate about making Budgeting Easy!


Look here for Tips and Tricks for managing your finances

Planning vs Accounting

The most important aspect of budgeting (planning) is to understand that it is how we look into the future and determine how what we want to do and how we can accomplish it. Accounting is the reality check that shows us how well we are following our plan. Planning cannot replace Accounting and Accounting cannot replace planning!

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Why do I need to have a spending plan?

Why do I need to have a Spending Plan? Isn’t it just a sheet with my expenses on it? First, let’s make clear what a Spending Plan is and what it is not! A Spending Plan is a plan for how you want to spend and save the money you have. Read that again. It’s that simple! Creating your spending plan allows for a moment of realization, and can show you how to change your ways to keep your finances balanced!

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